Inspecting process information using ‘top’ command

4 min readOct 8, 2023

`top` is a system monitoring tool available in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. When you run this command, you can check real-time information about the system’s status, including CPU, memory, and processes.

When you execute the `top` command, you will see information in the following categories:

1. System Information: Displays information such as system uptime, the number of logged-in users, and system load.

2. Task Queue: Information about the tasks currently running and how busy the system is.

3. CPU Status: Shows the CPU usage in user mode, kernel mode, and pending I/O operations.

4. Memory Status: Displays information about available memory, used memory, buffers, cache, etc.

5. Process List: Provides detailed information about the running processes. This includes the process ID, owner, CPU and memory usage, running status, and more.

Key Shortcuts:

- `q`: Exits the `top` program.
- `h`: Displays help.
- `k`: Kills a process. You need to enter the process ID.
- `n`: Changes the number of processes displayed.
- `u`: Displays processes of a specific user only.

Usage Example:

Typically, the `top` command is executed in the console by just typing `top`:




Jeheon Park, Software Engineer at Kakao in South Korea