The relationship between Node and Pod

5 min readOct 3, 2023

There are three methods:
1. Taints and Tolerations
2. Node Selector
3. Node Affinity

Taints and Tolerations

Taints are ways for Pods to repel, and Tolerations are ways to resist this repulsion.

Note: Taints or Tolerations don’t guarantee that a specific Pod will be scheduled on a specific Node. If you want this, you need to use Node Affinity.

Taints are applied to Nodes, while Tolerations are applied to Pods.

Relationship between bugs and humans

The relationship between Node and Pod

If you imagine spraying a person with insect repellent (Taints) to prevent bugs (Pods) from approaching, and only those bugs with resistance (Toleration) can bypass this repellent and bite, then it would be easier to understand.



In this scenario, no Pod would be scheduled on Node1.




Jeheon Park, Software Engineer at Kakao in South Korea