VC: MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

6 min readOct 6, 2020

MRI is frequently used for medical purposes and research. It helps to watch the inside of people without surgery. This is a huge advantage. How is it possible? We are going to deep inside of the MRI and find out why it works in this post.

MRI uses the magnetic resonance of atomic nuclei(mostly hydrogen). To make magnetic fields, it requires a strong static magnetic field, it is needed always. We emit high-frequency electromagnetic pulses when we are trying to scan the subjects, it is resonance.

Nuclear Magnetic Moment

The human body consists of 70% of water, H20. Hydrogen atoms possess a nuclear magnetic moment. The z-components of it align with the external magnetic field, MRI makes a strong static magnetic field. At equilibrium, there is a tiny excess of spins in the lower energy state, you can check the above picture. The arrow indicates the nuclear magnetic moments. The atoms are spinning.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance




Jeheon Park, Software Engineer at Kakao in South Korea